Made in NL, the Mummer’s body frame, the clothing, the Ugly Stick and the base are all hand crafted by NL artisan Jackie.
The Ugly Stick held by our Mummer has hair and a face plus a big black boot at the bottom. An Ugly Stick is a homemade musical instrument. It’s about four feet long, on which bottle caps, tin cans, small bells and other noisemakers are attached. It is played by thumping the stick, and striking its attachments with a "saw", that is a notched stick that gets those noisemakers rattling!
Our Mummer wears the traditional “facecloth”, that is a piece of curtain or drapery, a pillow slip or flour sack. The stocking cap, matching cuffs and jumper or guernsey are similar to the traditional wool knit caps, mitts and sweaters, worn by Petty Harbour fishermen.
Dimensions: 12 x 30 cms.